The world has changed a lot in the last 10-20 years, and dating is changing as well. Here are some important things about dating today that your parents never had to experience. Of course, there are a million ways modern dating is different, but these are just a few things we notice the most when talking to our young clients.
For more advice, we also have articles on Partners and Pets and Money Matters

1 – Texting
Texting has revolutionized dating, some of the impacts are good, some is controversial. New studies show that texting in a relationship actuals improves overall communication between a couple. Also if you are in a long-distance relationship, you have a much better chance at making it in 2017 than you did before cell phones.
2 – Hanging Out
Traditional dinner dates have been tossed out the window, and it’s a good thing. More young adults are choosing less formal options to get to know someone – group events, movies, concerts, etc. This puts less emphasis on ‘dating’ and more on getting to know each other.
3 – Sex
It’s definitely more acceptable to own your sexuality than it used to be. Especially as a young woman, the attitude of ‘This is what I like, I like sex” was radical just a few years ago. Being able to know your body and what you like can help you communicate your needs to your partner. We’re not saying sex is the only thing that matters in a relationship, but good sex definitely doesn’t hurt.
4 – Diversity
The ability to date outside your race or religion is something we take for granted now, and it wasn’t always the case. Love comes in many forms and when you are open to people with different traits or beliefs you might just find someone special.
5 – Online Dating
We can’t stress enough the impact online dating has had on this generation. It completely changed the game. If our parents could only get over the stigma of online dating they would realize the options this opens up.